5 rules you need to know for organising your living room

In this post

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Decluttering and organising your living room helps create a space that is filled with joy.

If your living room is cluttered, and chaotic and makes you feel fed up then this post is for you.

The living room is often the heart of the home. Mine is and it is where we relax, entertain, and spend quality time together. 

Here are my 5 practical, simple and effective rules to help you declutter and organise your living room. 

Do this and your living room will be a more enjoyable and inviting space.

Enjoy and don’t forget to comment at the end, I love hearing from you and subscribe to get access to FREE printables, newsletters, the latest posts and more.

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1. Start with a clean slate

* Remove everything *

Take everything out of your living room. This includes furniture, decor, and all miscellaneous items.

* Clean thoroughly *

I use this opportunity to give my living room a deep clean. Dust, hoover, and clean the windows and floors.

* Check the space *

With my living room empty, I think about how I want to use the space. I have young children so I plan a layout that maximises space and flow.

You choose what works best for your family.

organising your living room

2. Declutter ruthlessly

* Sort items *

Separate items into categories: (check out my 4 steps to decluttering)

keep, donate and bin.

* Be honest *

Only keep items that you love or that serve a purpose. 

Sentimental items can be kept of course, but try to limit them.

*Limit multiple items *

Avoid keeping multiple items that are used for the same purpose. 

3. Storage Solutions

* Multi functional furniture *

If you are low on storage space then Investing in furniture that offers storage could be a good idea. Ottomans, coffee tables with storage, or built-in shelving.

My husband built shelves in our living room so we had more floor space.

* Baskets *

Use baskets to collect smaller items and keep them out of sight.

* Label everything *

Labels can help you and your family remember where things belong.

If you are a regular on my blog and a subscriber (which of course you are, right?) then you will know I always say “Everything has a home.”

Labelling means it is easier to maintain an organised space.

My favourite Label maker.

I’ll be honest I don’t label everything. So maybe label most things.

Check out my storage post.

maximise storage and save money, organising your living room

4. Create Zones

* Zones *

You can have specific areas for different activities. A reading nook, a TV zone, and a play area if you have children.

In our old house, I did this in our living room. Where we live now my children have enough space in their bedrooms for their toys. 

* Use rugs and furniture *

It may be helpful to use rugs and furniture to create these zones.

* Storage *

Try to make each zone have appropriate storage solutions. Using a bookshelf in the reading area or a gaming console in the TV zone.

organising your living room

5. A minimalistic mindset

* One -in, One-out *

As you know me well, you know I love a minimalistic approach.

This works wonderfully when you have children and are trying to keep toys and books to a minimum.

Create a habit of removing one item for every new item you and your family bring into the room.

Getting your children to take responsibility at a young age for their belongings is important.

This also helps reduce the “I want this” in stores. They suddenly don’t want to get rid of anything.

You are welcome.

* Regular declutter sessions *

Set aside time regularly. (I do this monthly)

Go through your living room and remove items that are no longer needed or loved.

* Mindful shopping *

Before purchasing new items, ask yourself if they truly add value to your space and if you have a place to store them.

organising your living room

Bee's Final Thoughts Bee's Final Thoughts

By following these steps, you can transform your living room into an organised and clutter-free haven. 

You and your family will love to spend time together. 

Remember, the key is to keep it simple and functional, making sure everything has a home and purpose. 

Happy organising!

Bee Inspired. Bee Joyful. Bee You.

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Bee x



By Bee's Inspired Living

Hi, I’m Bee, the founder of Bee’s Inspired Living. I am a Mumma, Wife, Home Educator, Blogger and lastly a Chronic Pain Sufferer. I love a good laugh, watching films, family days out, reading, tea, exploring the world, summer and of course, tidying my house. 🙂 As someone who has always been passionate about health, personal growth, and creating a balanced lifestyle, I started this blog to share my journey, insights, and experiences with you.

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