kids sleep better
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5 ways to help your kids sleep better

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Let’s help our kids sleep better.

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for kids. Sometimes it can be hard for them to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Does this sound like your child?

Don’t worry my oldest is the same, you are not alone.

I am sharing my experiences of what works and doesn’t for my family. Tweak it to fit your life and family.

If your child has trouble sleeping, don’t worry—there are things you can do to help.

Here are 5 ways to help your kids sleep better.

Enjoy and don’t forget to comment at the end, I love hearing from you and subscribe to get access to FREE printables, newsletters, the latest posts and more.

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1. Create a Bedtime Routine

A bedtime routine is a set of activities you do every night before bed.

I am a home-educating mother of 2 (nearly 3)

I have met a lot of different parents and everyone does bedtime differently.

Having the same routine each night helps your child know that it’s time to wind down and get ready to sleep.

We have to train our bodies and mind to do everything and sleep is no different.

kids sleep better

What You Can Do:

Start the routine about 30 minutes before bed. Depending on your child, you may need longer or shorter.

Include activities like taking a warm bath. Brushing teeth, reading a story, and saying goodnight.

Baths don’t actually help my children to settle, it does the opposite so we don’t use this as part of our routine.

However, I know this helps lots of kids settle for bed, let me know in the comments what works for your family.

Instead, we snuggle up and talk about our day and how we felt after a story.

Do what works for you.

Be sure to keep the routine calm and quiet, so your child can relax before sleep.

The last thing you want is for them to get more excited. This makes bedtime even longer and harder for their bodies to learn it’s bedtime.

2. Set a Regular Bedtime

Going to bed at the same time every night helps your child’s body get used to a sleep schedule.

When your child has a regular bedtime, they will start to feel sleepy around the same time each night.

This is not always possible, I know. But if you can stick to a routine the majority of the time then the odd late night won’t be too hard to deal with.

kids sleep better

What You Can Do:

Choose a bedtime that gives your child enough sleep. Most kids need 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night.

Don’t forget young teens need more sleep too as they are going through a lot of changes which takes a lot of energy.

Of course work with your child, you know them best.

Stick to the same bedtime, even on weekends, to keep the routine consistent.

3. Make the Bedroom Cosy

Your child’s bedroom should be a comfortable place that makes them feel safe and relaxed.

A cosy bedroom can help your child fall asleep more easily.

kids sleep better

What You Can Do:

Keep the room cool, quiet, and dark.

Both my girls use a nightlight. So you can too if your child is afraid of the dark.

Make sure their bed is comfortable with soft sheets and pillows.

Remove distractions like toys or electronics from the bedroom at bedtime.

We have no screen time from 5 pm onwards. This means a family dinner around 6 pm (no screens) and after dinner, we start our bedtime routine.

4. Limit Screen Time Before Bed

Try no screen time from a certain time.

This keeps things consistent for your child and less likely to have tantrums.

As we know watching TV, playing video games, or tablets keep us awake.

If your child has screens right before bed, this can make it harder for your child to fall asleep.

The light from screens can trick their brain into thinking it’s still daytime.

It’s the same for us adults too.

So, before you watch another episode of your favourite show. Remember it will take you longer to fall asleep.

kids sleep better

What You Can Do:

Turn off all screens at least one hour before bedtime.

Encourage your child to do something relaxing instead, like reading a book or drawing.

My nine-year-old likes to read for a bit. Then has 10 minutes of meditation right before sleep whilst snuggled up in bed.

Works like a charm.

This really helps settle her mind and body.

We use Smiling Mind, It’s free and great for the whole family. Not an affiliate link, we just love the app.

Keep TVs, tablets, and phones out of the bedroom at night.

5. Encourage Relaxation

Sometimes, kids have trouble sleeping because they’re too excited or worried.

Teaching your child how to relax can help them calm down and get ready for sleep.

My oldest struggles a lot with this one but here’s what we do.

What You Can Do:

Talk with your child, and see what their day has been like.

Are they able to understand the emotions of the day and where they feel it in their body?

Sometimes like us adults, we need to get it out to feel better. Our kids do too.

Remember we have had years of practice in dealing with our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Our kids haven’t had those life experiences yet, they are still trying to figure it out.

It’s our job to help them.

Try deep breathing exercises with your child. There are lots of methods to try, but some we use are:

5,4,3,2,1 – FREE Printable available.

Hand breathing – FREE Printable available.

Box – Look at a picture frame and breathe in on one side and breathe out the other, keep going two or three times.

Listen to calming music or sounds together, like gentle rain or ocean waves.

If your child likes touch you could give them a gentle back rub or cuddle to help them feel safe and relaxed.

Be careful it doesn’t undo all the hard work of calming them though.

Bee's Final Thoughts

There you have it. 5 simple but effective ways from a real family that help kids settle and have a better night’s sleep.

Helping your kids sleep better is important for their health and happiness.

I know it’s no fun putting in the rules like this but they will be better off for it in the long run.

We are exhausted by this time of day so we let things slide. But keep to the routine and you will see after a few weeks how much calmer you all are.

By using the 5 ways above you can help your child get the restful sleep they need. This means more you time too.

With these tips, bedtime can become a peaceful and restful part of your child’s day.

kids sleep better, racing thoughts

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Bee's Inspired Living

Hi, I’m Bee, the founder of Bee’s Inspired Living.

I am a Mumma, Wife, Home Educator, Blogger and lastly a Chronic Pain Sufferer.

I love a good laugh, watching films, family days out, reading, tea, exploring the world, summer and of course, tidying my house. 🙂

As someone who has always been passionate about health, personal growth, and creating a balanced lifestyle, I started this blog to share my journey, insights, and experiences with you.

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