living with less, minimalism made simple
Health&Wellness Lifestyle Meditation Minimalist Organising and Decluttering storage

8 Simple tips for living with less not living without

In this post

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Living with less can bring more peace, joy, and freedom into your life.

When we have fewer things, we make more space for what truly matters.

Here are 8 simple tips to help you start living with less.

I also found this post inspiring. It is about happiness with living with less.

Enjoy and don’t forget to comment at the end, I love hearing from you and subscribe to get access to FREE printables, newsletters, the latest posts and more.

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If it doesn’t serve a purpose or make you happy, consider selling, donating or recycling it.

You will be amazed at how much space you have after this simple step.

Small steps add up!

Need more help with decluttering? Check out my blog post on “4 easy steps to decluttering.”

1. Declutter One Small Space at a Time

Start small!

I can’t stress this enough. Are you like me and when you decide on something you go all out?

Yep, that’s me too.

That’s great but it can also be quite overwhelming.

So start small, You will thank me.

Pick one drawer, shelf, or corner of a room.

Take everything out, look at each item, and decide if you really need it.

2. Only Keep What You Love and Use

A big part of living with less is keeping only what you truly love and use.

If something has been sitting untouched for months, think about whether it’s worth keeping.

By keeping only things you enjoy and use often, you’ll start to feel lighter and more focused.

morning habits, self-care, Morning Routine Ideas, living with less

3. Practice Saying “No” to New Stuff

Before buying something new, ask yourself, Do I really need this? or Will this add value to my life?

It’s easy to say “yes” to new things, but practising “no” helps keep your space clutter-free and saves money too.

Want to learn to say no to other areas of your life?

I have a whole post on “How to say no and protect what really matters”

4. Make a “One In, One Out” Rule

If you bring something new into your home, try removing something else.

I have this rule, especially for my kids.

They LOVE teddys and we have so many I feel like I’m drowning in soft cuddly things.

So, each time they get a new one, an old one has to go.

That may seem harsh but I am trying to teach my children the art of having what you love and use. Not the art of stuff.

I have used this rule almost my whole life so it’s second nature to me.

My husband says if I had it my way there would only be a chair in a room. lol, I’m a simple creature what can I say? 

My husband is still in training.

He doesn’t hoard stuff but he isn’t good at getting rid of things either.

He just moves things from one space to another.

Does this sound familiar to you?

This “one in, one out” rule can help you avoid building up too much stuff again.

For example, if you buy a new shirt, donate an old one!

surprise birthday ideas for your husband/wife, marriage strong, living with less, Christmas party

What we do think is worth it, is going on days out as a family. A meal out with my husband. A last-minute holiday or a 4-week road trip.

Creating bonds and memories is the real treasure.

Instead of buying more stuff, think about spending your time and money on experiences.

Going on a hike, having a picnic, or watching a movie at home can create special memories without adding clutter.

I’ve got some great ideas on ways to spend quality time with your other half without spending a fortune.

Read “Exciting frugal date night inspirations”

5. Spend on Experiences, Not Things

My husband and I believe in adventure and making memories.

Not the newest car or the largest house.

I personally think these are power plays.

More often than not, these people don’t actually own them anyway.

It’s just more debt.

That’s not a way of living for me or my family.

We are living with less, not without.

We have things we treasure, that give us happiness.

Of course, we would love a bigger home in the middle of nowhere.

But that would eat away at a lot of our finances and we don’t think that’s worth it to us.

6. Set Goals for Your Space

Think about what you want your home to feel like.

Do you want it to be calm, cosy, or easy to clean?

Setting a goal helps you decide what to keep and what to let go of so your space feels just right.

Need more help with goal setting?

No worries I have you covered.

Read “How to become more disciplined and reach your goals”

You can also find FREE printables for to-do lists, meal planning and more.

grief, Complex Reginal Pain Syndrome, Morning Routine Ideas, living with less

Instead, try this.

If you see something you want to buy, wait a day or two before getting it.

Sometimes, after a little time, you may realise you don’t really need it or have forgotten entirely about it.

Think about how much money, time and space you have saved yourself on something you don’t actually need.

7. Take a Break Before Buying

I don’t know if you do this already but I have done this for so many years.

It is also something I taught my husband when I first met him and what we teach our children.

In today’s world, we can have anything we want whenever we want it.

Things are so accessible and delivered the same or the next day.

We don’t have to be patient anymore.

Do you think that’s right?

8. Appreciate What You Already Have

Take a look around and appreciate what’s already there.

This can help you feel grateful and satisfied with what you own instead of always wanting more.

Having a strong gratitude practice is important for everyone including our children.

Read “The Science of Happiness: How to Live a Joyful Life” for more ways to feel grateful and happy in our lives.

depression, self-doubt, living with less, tidy family house, family fun nights, family life, 2025
live a joyful life, depression, healthy, living with less, save money this Christmas

Bee's Final Thoughts

Living with less doesn’t mean living without, we have established that.

It does however mean choosing what matters most.

Little by little, you can create a life filled with more joy, less stress, and a home you truly love.

All the while teaching the next generation what really matters.

Thank you for reading, I’m truly grateful to have you here.

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Together, let’s create a calm and cosy home, build strong family connections, and inspire one another to live with joy and authenticity every day.

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Bee's Inspired Living

Hi, I’m Bee, the founder of Bee’s Inspired Living.

I am a Mumma, Wife, Home Educator, Blogger and lastly a Chronic Pain Sufferer.

I love a good laugh, watching films, family days out, reading, tea, exploring the world, summer and of course, tidying my house. 🙂

As someone who has always been passionate about health, personal growth, and creating a balanced lifestyle, I started this blog to share my journey, insights, and experiences with you.

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