In this post

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I’m in pain 24/7. I have chronic pain, CRPS to be specific.

Do you have pain? It might be a headache, a sore muscle, or even a stomachache. Perhaps you are like me and it’s not treatable.

It’s not fun to feel this way, but I’ve learned something that helps me a lot. It’s called meditation. 

Meditation is a simple way to calm my mind and help my body feel better. 

I want to share with you how I meditate when I’m in pain so that you can try it too.

This can be from 2 minutes to 20 minutes.

Enjoy and don’t forget to comment at the end, I love hearing from you and subscribe to get access to FREE printables, newsletters, the latest posts and more.

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Step 1: Find a Quiet Spot

I'm in pain, peace

First, I want to say finding somewhere quiet isn’t always possible. Don’t stress about making it silent, it’s just somewhere you can focus.

If you can find a quiet place, please do so. Usually, somewhere I won’t be disturbed. However, with two small girls, it’s hard to get anywhere quiet in our home.

My bedroom is my go-to. For you, it could be the living room or even a cosy spot outside. It’s important to be somewhere peaceful where we can relax.

Step 2: Sit Comfortably

I'm in pain

Next, I sit down in a comfortable position. I can sit on a chair, on the floor, or even lie down. Make sure you find a position that feels good for you.

I have terrible posture but I try to make sure my back is straight but not too stiff. We want to be relaxed and comfortable.

Step 3: Close Your Eyes and Breathe

I'm in pain

After I’m comfortable, I close my eyes. This helps me focus. If you feel better doing this with your eyes open, that is fine too. Focus on a spot instead.

Next, I start to take deep breaths. 

I breathe in slowly through my nose, hold it for a moment, and then breathe out slowly through my mouth. 

As I breathe, I imagine the pain leaving my body with every breath out.

Step 4: Focus on One Thing

I'm in pain

Now that we are breathing deeply, we need to focus on one thing. 

This is usually my breath. You may want to use a word that makes you feel calm, or even an image in your mind like a peaceful beach.

By focusing on just one thing, we can push away thoughts about the pain.

Step 5: Imagine the Pain Melting Away

I'm in pain, depression

Here’s the part that really helps me.

I imagine the pain as a dark cloud in my body. 

With each breath out, I see the cloud getting smaller and smaller. 

I imagine it melting away, leaving only a warm, comfortable feeling behind. 

Sometimes, if I am struggling to get in the zone. I picture the pain turning into a soft, glowing light that makes me feel safe and relaxed.

Use what works for you.

You don’t have to have the same images or words as me or someone else. 

It’s a personal experience, there’s no right or wrong. 

Step 6: Stay Calm and Patient

I'm in pain

I try to stay calm and not rush. 

Meditation takes time, and that’s okay. 

Sometimes, the pain levels don’t reduce, but I always feel better and more relaxed after I meditate. I gained a fresh perspective and I am more capable than I was before.

The key is to be patient and gentle with ourselves.

Step 7: Finish Slowly

I'm in pain

When I’m ready to finish, I slowly open my eyes and take a few more deep breaths. 

I take a moment to notice how my body feels. 

Usually, I feel much better, even though the pain hasn’t gone. 

I feel proud of myself for taking the time to care for my body and mind.

Why Meditation Helps

I'm in pain, exercising with chronic pain

Meditation works because it helps our mind and body relax. 

When we are stressed or in pain, our body gets tense. But when we meditate, we calm our minds, and our bodies can start to heal. 

It’s like giving ourselves a big, warm hug from the inside.

You can try meditation too! 

The next time you feel pain, find a quiet spot, breathe deeply, and imagine the pain melting away. 

It might just make you feel a lot better, just like it does for me.

Try my favourite meditation app for free.

Thanks for reading.

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Bee x



By Bee's Inspired Living

Hi, I’m Bee, the founder of Bee’s Inspired Living. I am a Mumma, Wife, Home Educator, Blogger and lastly a Chronic Pain Sufferer. I love a good laugh, watching films, family days out, reading, tea, exploring the world, summer and of course, tidying my house. 🙂 As someone who has always been passionate about health, personal growth, and creating a balanced lifestyle, I started this blog to share my journey, insights, and experiences with you.

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