home education
Home Education

The Simple Truth about Home Education

The Truth about Home Education

These are the top ten questions I get asked when home education comes up.

These are the myths and the actual truth about home education.

I have two girls and have home educated since day dot. I always just wanted to give it a try and I’m so glad we did.

In this post

The Simple Truth about Home Education

I have left some links to items we use below. These are affiliate links so I do get a small commission at no extra cost to you with each purchase. Thank you for helping me run my business.

To find out more about me and our home education journey, read get to know me and the wonderful world of home educating

Children at school learn faster FALSE

My children have never been to school, like many others. Whilst some other children have been in the school system and are now home-educated.

The truth is, that all children learn differently and at different rates. I truly believe a child who chooses to learn will take in more information than a child forced to learn.

cow, farm, home education

You must stay at home FALSE

In our family, we believe in a child-led approach. This means they let us know what they want to learn and we find a way to get that knowledge to them.

This could be a day out, private tutors, a movie, joining a club, good old Google, workbooks or even just chatting about it!

There are so many ways for children to learn. You can absolutely sit and work at home but I personally don’t know any home edders that do that all of the time.

We have some workbooks that we use once a week. Sometimes they do one page and other days it’s seven.

Purchase the workbooks we use here.

Home Educating is expensive TRUE & FALSE

home, education

Home education is as expensive or as cheap as you want it to be.

You choose what you do, where you go, what you sign up for and you are in control of the costs to your family.

There are loads of free resources out there and a wonderful community of home educators.

Twinkl Educational Publishing

They won't get qualifications FALSE

They absolutely will.  When they are good and ready they can take exams.

You can attend, college, university, private tutors etc to achieve this.

I can't drive, so I can't home educate FALSE

The Simple Truth about Home Education

The truth is I couldn’t drive till I was 28.

Again there are lots of home-ed families that don’t drive and manage by other transport.

I have to work FALSE

There are hundreds of home educating families that work and home educate.

In some families both parents work, in some, one parent works but whichever it is it doesn’t matter.

What matters is they are doing what’s best for their children, not what’s easy, because hell no, working and home educating is not easy but, it is the right thing for the home ed families. If you think you would love to home educate but couldn’t because you both work, think again.

You must be smart to teach your children FALSE

I have a wonderful home ed friend of mine, I have known for years and when we first met, she said “I don’t teach my children I facilitate” and I have been saying the same words ever since.

It’s exactly what we do as home ed parents, I am on a learning journey with them and It is the best thing I’ve ever done.

home education, arts

Your children won't socialise FALSE

We are rarely in and even if we are, the children are out playing with their friends.

They have friends of all different ages, sexes and races. Some school children and some home educated.

This is real life, the truth is as adults we don’t only socialise with people our age do we?

I have chronic pain FALSE

I have suffered with chronic pain for 25 years and I have up and down days, but I have a wonderful group of friends and family that can help out with groups or anything else.

Don’t be afraid to rely on your friends for help. It can all be done, it’s not easy but life with chronic pain is never easy.

museum, home education

Are you allowed to home educate? YES

Educating your child at home – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

In the UK, teaching your children from home aka home education is perfectly legal.

You do not need to give the government any specific proof you plan to home educate. 

If you have children in school and you wish to home educate them, you are perfectly within your rights to do this but you will have to notify the school and other possible contacts as long as you provide your children with an education whether that’s Charlotte Mason, unschooling, school at home or any other method you are fine.

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Bee x 

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  • The person behind it all

    I am a Mumma of three, a Wife, a Home Educator, a Blogger and lastly a Chronic Pain Sufferer. 

    The most common questions I get asked are “How do I get my hair curly, is it natural?” “

    “How are you so organised?”

    “You must be really smart to educate your children, are you a teacher?”

    and lastly “What is CRPS?”

    I have suffered from chronic pain since the age of 10, it has been a daily struggle ever since.

    I know thousands of people suffer as I do and I want to share what helps me and my expertise in CRPS, chronic pain and more.

    So, I started this blog to share my answers to those questions, journey and experiences with you. I have always been passionate about health, personal growth, and creating a balanced lifestyle for myself and my family.

    Searching for ways to enjoy life in a minimalistic way, be part of my children’s education and reduce stress and pain as a whole is important to me.

Bee's Inspired Living

Hi, I’m Bee, the founder of Bee’s Inspired Living.

I am a Mumma, Wife, Home Educator, Blogger and lastly a Chronic Pain Sufferer.

I love a good laugh, watching films, family days out, reading, tea, exploring the world, summer and of course, tidying my house. 🙂

As someone who has always been passionate about health, personal growth, and creating a balanced lifestyle, I started this blog to share my journey, insights, and experiences with you.

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